Fall Equinox Ritual 2024
Fall is in the air. Warm glow of sunlight through a forest that has started to change colors.
Can you feel the shift?
The days are shortening with a crisp-ness to the air as the nights grow longer. This transition from summer to autumn is met on a day that translates into “equal” and “night” because of its beautiful alignment with the sun and our equator. This alignment makes the day and night hours almost equal. This is how the Equinox gets it’s name through Latin roots.
This year the Autumn Equinox lands on September 22, 2024 at approximately 5:44am PST.
Why is the Autumn Equinox Important?
The autumn equinox is a significant symbol for those who are spiritual, that we are ending one cycle and entering a new. In an Ayurvedic stand point we are shifting from one dosha to another. Summer is Pitta dosha and is the element of fire, as we shift into autumn we are shifting from fire to air (Vata). Vata dosha is the element of air and ether. Understanding these doshas and elements allows us to align our bodies to the cycles and circadian rhythms of the earth.
Vata Dosha & Autumn
Vata dosha is very similar to the characteristics of autumn. It is dry, light, cold, and rough. The colors associated with vata are earthy tones like browns, dark rich greens, burnt reds and oranges. When we focus on balancing and aiding the vata dosha in our bodies we help make this transition smoother.
Equinox Ritual
As we are in this transitional period the next couple of days, this is a ritual that well help guide the energy around to help ground you.
Clean and Clear your Space
Clearing your home by using fire and smoke to clear out negative energies.
Just like “spring cleaning” it is important to start any transition with a clean space. There is a lot of studies and information about how a cluttered environment affect your mental health and mood. Taking the time to reset your home and foundation so this new season can start fresh. Start by clearing out any negativity by using unscented candles and burning incense or sage.
Create an autumn intentional space
Illuminate your space with intention. Our unscented black pillar candles create a serene atmosphere, perfect for daily rituals and mindful moments.
Intentional spaces are a great way to recenter yourself. Choosing grounding elements like our grounding 444 candle, grounding crystals, and any seasonal items you may be drawn to like fallen leaves or fall scents. This is your time to get creative!
Make a list of goals you want to achieve in these last 3 months of 2024
Setting goals during autumn equinox
Write this list down and make it achievable. Be realistic of what you can do in 3 months and make sure it’s something you truly want! Keep this list on your autumn intentional space because you want to revisit this list everyday.
For the next 90 days make it a habit to spend at least 5 mins in your intentional space
I recommend first thing in the morning, before you start your day or while you have your coffee. Light your candles, read your list of goals and take daily action towards those goals. Even the smallest action daily and change your life!
I hope this ritual helps you end 2024 with momentum towards the life you want to live! Every day is an opportunity to change your mindset and improve your life, and it’s never too late to start.
Please tag us on your intentional spaces on Instagram! @Alkeme.space We love seeing what you create and connecting with the community!
Happy Autumn Equinox!
Much love,