Traveling Rituals
Traveling this summer
As summer approaches, many of us begin to plan our travels. Traveling can be an exciting opportunity to explore new places and experience different cultures. However, our bodies may need some time to adjust to a new time zone, environment, and even sleeping in a different bed. Common imbalances associated with traveling are:
Dry skin
Joint Aches and Pains
Some of us experience these imbalances more than others, but if you are traveling frequently, these imbalances can start to have an effect.
By creating rituals while traveling helps us sync back into the rhythm of nature, making our vacations more enjoyable with a lesser impact on jet lag and helping us feel our best. Because traveling should be exciting and fun!
Travel Rituals:
Morning Ritual
Morning Rituals to try while traveling
Sleep in the Zone
Sleeping in the timezone you are in can be tricky when traveling longer distances. Here's the rule of thumb
Traveling for less than 1 week + in a time zone within 3 hours of your home timezone = Keep your sleep schedule as close to your normal sleep schedule.
Traveling for more than 1 week + in time zones 3 or more hours different from your home zone = sync your sleeping cycle to the time zone your in
Tips: When on the flight start to adjust your schedule to clock of where you are going, this might mean sleeping on the plane or avoiding sleep as much as possible to be able to sleep in the right timezone. Try to avoid naps throughout the day, this could disrupt your sleep cycle.
Make Yourself At Home
No matter what the length is of your travel bring a couple personal items that help you feel at home. Here are a couple items I travel with:
My favorite incense that reminds that I use almost daily in my home, the aroma will naturally help you feel a sense of comfort.
A travel candle, I can create an intentional space or altar that helps me feel safe and grounded. Reminding me to keep my practice of medititaion and breathwork no matter where I am.
My Self Care Products such as my shampoo, body wash, body lotion, and any personal hygenie products that help you feel fresh and clean.
EMF protection, especially if I am going to be on long flights. I use Aires Tech on my iphone and on my keychains. When I starting using EMF protection I noticed an instant difference in my energy levels. After long flights I didn’t feel brain fog or drained. What I love about my EMF shield is that it isn’t noticable on my phone or keychain but gives me and my family a protective bubble everywhere I go.
Bringing all these items will help you feel more at home and grounded within yourself as you travel. It's the little things.
Midday Ritual
Find the time to walk barefoot in your new location. Yes, barefoot.
Grounding through our feet by walking barefoot in nature syncs us back to the circadian rhythm.
Remember to do this when traveling across the ocean to a time zone that is over 8 hours away from your home time zone. This practice helps us connect to the Earth's magnetic field and can alleviate any allergies that may be caused by plants or environmental organisms your body is not accustomed to. Our feet do much more than just hold us up; they are the connection point to the earth we live on and can absorb so much.
Evening Ritual
Garland Pose (Malasana)
This grounding pose activates our root chakra (muladhara) and allows us to connect with the Earth. Feeling balanced and supported through out our travels. Do this pose for at least 5 minutes.
Grounding Meditation
When we are traveling it can be challenging to keep up even a daily practice. However when we intentionally plan or schedule just 5 mins for a meditation practice we can experience the benefits throughout the day. A grounding meditation doesnt have to feel allobarote or become time consuming. If you already established a temparay altar or intentional space in the morning you are already one step closer. Here are some suggestions on a grounding meditiation:
Unscented 444 Grounding Pillar Candle
Start by clearing the space and energy by lighting you candle.
Sit comfortable on the floor, either on a mat or blanket. Use cushions if need and a light back support.
Now close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath, just pay attention to each breath. Is it fast or slow, deep or shallow?
Now start to deepen the breath, filling up you belly and expanding your belly outwards as you inhale.
As you exhale pull the navel in towards the spine
Continue this breathing
As you breath start to pull you awareness to your sit bone
Feeling your connection to the earth, feeling supported
Let yourself sink into this feeling, knowing you are supported and rooted.
With you eyes closed, continue breathing, and sit with this connection.
Whenever you are ready, slowly bring focus back to your breath.
Gently open your eyes
We hope these travel rituals help balance you everywhere you go!